Sunday, August 19, 2007


When Jesus roamed the little lanes,
In hills of Galilee,
He grew "in favor with God and man"
Loving, - as only the Son of God could be.

He observed the lives of other people,
The problems they faced from day to day,
Their joys and sorrows, temptations and challenges,
Their reactions in every way.

He developed sympathy and empathy,
Consideration for the feelings of others,
And said, "As ye would have others do unto you,
Do ye therefore unto others."

He recommended compassion and kindness,
Tolerance, forgiveness and love,
To bring happiness to us in this life
And prepare us for Heaven above.

He healed the sick, the crippled, the leper,
Cast out devils from those troubled in mind,
Calmed the wind and the waves on the stormy sea,
Raised the dead, gave sight to the blind.

As the climax to his life of loving service,
He suffered mentally in Gethsemane.
Then humiliation, abuse and pain on the cross,
That from sin all men could redeemed be.

We cannot comprehend his suffering for us,
But we can have faith in his words:
"Though your sins be as scarlet," I want you to know
"If you come unto me, they'll be cleansed white as snow!"

The sublime sequel to his atoning sacrifice,
The complement service of his endless affection,
Was his gift to all men, from the Son of God:
The miracle and promise - of RESURRECTION!
-Ward Hicken