Sunday, August 19, 2007


In Nazareth was a virgin fair,
Beautiful above all other virgins.
To her came an angel sent from God
And said "Hail thou that art highly favored,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women."

She wondered at this salutation
So the angel said to her, "Fear not, Mary!
Thou has found favor with God.
Thou shalt conceive in thy womb
And bring forth a son whom thou shalt call, Jesus.
The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee
And the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee.
And that which shall be born of thee
Shall be called the Son of God.
For with God all things are possible."

And the angel appeared to her husband Joseph,
And told him of these things
And Joseph cared for her tenderly.

And when the time came for the birth of the baby
They had traveled from their home to Bethlehem
To be taxed at orders of the Roman governor.
There was no room for them in the inn.
So the baby was born in a stable
And Mary wrapped him in swaddling clothes
And laid him on straw in a manger.

And there were shepherds abiding in their fields
Keeping watch over their flocks by night.
To them came an angel with the glory of God
Who said unto them, "Fear not!
I bring you good tidings of great joy
For unto you is born this day
In the city of David, a savior
Which is Christ the Lord.
This shall be sign to you. Ye shall find the babe
Wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger."

And suddenly there was with the angel
A multitude of heavenly hosts, praising God
And singing, "Glory to God in the highest
And on earth peace and good will toward men."
And the shepherds came and found Joseph and Mary
With the baby lying in a manger.
And when the shepherds had seen all this
They made known abroad the coming of the angel
And the birth of the baby lying in a manager.

And wise men from the East came to Bethlehem
Guided by a new star in the heavens.
They worshiped the baby and gave him
Gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
And warned by God they departed and told not Herod.
The gifts enabled Joseph, who was warned in a dream,
To take Mary and Jesus to Egypt until Herod,
The slaughterer of children, was dead.