Sunday, August 19, 2007


Sired by our loving Father in Heaven,
Reared by a loving mother on earth,
Remembered in the love of the Christmas season,
Is Jesus on this special day of His birth.

His birth was announced to shepherds by angels
With heavenly music that peaceful night,
And to pay homage to Him came "Three Wisemen",
Guided by 'The Star', above all stars, most bright.

As a boy He roamed the little lanes
In hills of Galilee,
And grew "in favor with God and man"
Loving - as only the Son of God could be.

Our hearts are touched by the kindness of Jesus
As He taught the gospel of love.
'Twas said, "He taught not as other men
But as one with authority from above."

When Jesus heard of John's death
He went to a desert place apart.
But the people followed him out of the cities
And from him they would not depart.

When he saw the multitude he was filled with compassion.
He gave comfort to all and healed sick without number.
At evening the disciples said, Master it is late.
Send the people to the village to get food and slumber.

But Jesus said to the concerned disciples,
They need not depart. Give ye them to eat.
They said, We've but five loaves and two small fishes.
He said bring them and have the people take a seat.

Then he blessed the food and brake it in pieces,
And gave it to the disciples to give to all.
All ate til their hunger was satisfied
And left-over fragments into twelve baskets did fall.

And they who had eaten were five thousand men
In addition to wives and children of them.

As the final demonstration of his love for us
He atoned for our sins. On the cross he gave
His life. Then to redeem us from death,
As Son of God, he arose from the grave.

Thanks Jesus, our loving Savior, true,
On thy birthday and always,
May we give our allegiance to you!
-Ward Hicken