Sunday, August 19, 2007


The spirit and message of the Christmas Season
Give many thoughts for our contemplations.
Our imaginations are stirred by the appearance of Angels
To shepherds tending their flocks near Bethlehem.

By their visit to the baby, born in a manger.
By the appearance of a bright new star in the heavens.
By the story of Three Wisemen guided by the star
To the baby predicted to be: "The King of Kings!"

He grew "in favor with God and man"
Loving, as only the Son of God could be.
Considerate of the feelings of others
Showed kindness, sympathy and empathy.

He recommended compassion and kindness,
Tolerance, forgiveness and love
To bring happiness to us in this life
And prepare us for Heaven above.

He healed the sick, the crippled, the leper,
Cast out devils from the troubled in mind,
Declared important the helping of others,
Raised the dead, gave sight to the blind.

As a climax to His life of loving service
He suffered mentally in Gethseamane
Then humiliation, abuse and pain on the cross
That from sin all men could redeemed be.

The sublime sequel to his atoning sacrifice,
The complement service of His endless service,
Was His gift to all men - from the Son of God
The miracle and promise of RESURRECTION!

So before the excitement of Christmas is over
And the lights of Christmas grow dim,
Let's review Jesus' teachings, adjust our life's goals
And pledge our allegiance to Him!

Jesus said His love will overcome fear.
May that love bring you a Happy New Year!
-Ward Hicken