Sunday, August 19, 2007


"THANKSGIVING" is a special day
In this "land choice above all others"
When we thank God for all our blessings,
Enjoy family dinner with parents, sisters and brothers.

We're thankful for laws that protect our freedom
And opportunities to come and go as we choose
And express our opinions and live our religion
And hear uncensored news.

We're thankful for the beauties
Of mountains, valleys and plains,
And rivers and lakes and coastal seas
And flowers and grass and forests and trees.

We're thankful for prosperity,
An abundance of material things,
But most of all we're thankful for:
The benefits the gospel brings.

A purpose in life, a happy way of living,
Plans for combining and accomplishing these.
Knowledge, programs, instructions, advisors,
Friends and rewarding, enjoyable opportunities.

Thank you, Father in Heaven.
Thanks Jesus and Holy Ghost too,
For all thy helpful instructions
And the blessings that we receive from you.
-Ward Hicken