Sunday, October 7, 2007


The ways of God bring happiness.
They fill the heart with love,
They dispel the gloom of darkness
Like Sun and Moon and Stars above.

They promote the joys of family life
With the love of husband and love of wife,
And loving happy children
And teachings that banish strife.

They provide for loving grandparents
And loving grandchildren too.
They also include loving relatives,
Many more than just a few.

God’s teachings give hopes and ambitions
And goals that provide motivation,
Instructions for living a happy life,
And special help through inspiration.

His teachings are found in the scriptures.
Search for those most helpful to you
To build personality and character essential
For success in all that you do.

First, love Jesus, who set an example.
He was friendly, unselfish and kind
To the learned, the ignorant, the rich and the poor
And lost sheep he wanted to find.

Do unto others the things that you
Would like to have others do unto you.
Make your world the kind you would like to see
By being the person you’d like others to be.

Daily work and acts of service
And many church activities
Make friends and accomplish your purpose on earth
By developing a variety of abilities.

Thank God for the many blessings
He has generously given to you.
The more you thank God your blessings for:
The more blessings you’ll have to be thankful for.
–Ward Hicken