Sunday, October 7, 2007


Moses was raised as the son of a favored Egyptian princess. Josephus said the princess and her father, the king, were impressed by his unusual beauty and precocious wisdom and mental abilities. He was educated with all the learning of the Egyptians and enjoyed all the privileges and opportunities the court could give. As general of the Egyptian armies he led them in battles. His boldness and sagacious strategies and battle methods decisively defeated the Ethiopians threatening Egypt. His education, training, experience and proven ability were ample reasons for exaggerated self-esteem, conceit and pride but he was described in Numbers 12:3 as “very meek, above all the men of the earth”. His humility and obedience to God’s commandments resulted in many miracles at his command including :
--parting the waters of the Red Sea while the Israelites crossed safely but drowning the Egyptian army that pursued them.
–causing water to flow out of a rock in the desert in a quantity adequate for the needs of nearly 3,000,000 people and their flocks and herds.
–providing manna to feed them every day.

Jesus performed many miracles such as:
He healed the sick, the crippled, the leper.
Cured the deaf and the dumb, gave them vigor of mind.
Calmed the wind and the waves on the stormy sea.
Walked on the water. Gave sight to the blind..
With five loaves of bread and few fishes he fed
Five thousand men plus their children and wives.
Restored to life Lazarus, who was four days dead!

But with all this power he said of himself,. “I am meek and lowly in heart.” The accomplishments of these two preclude all possibility that being “meek” had any connotation of weakness, inferiority, servility or groveling . On the contrary it implied traits of willingness to receive and obey instructions for our welfare and the welfare of others, seek knowledge and develop desirable qualities of personality, character, mind and spirit in ways that are recommended in the Sermon on the Mount, other scriptures and are explained throughout this book