Sunday, October 7, 2007


To many people, the word “repent”
Has a negative connotation;
But repentance, with Jesus’s other teachings,
Can bring happy inspiration.

Repenting “to” instead of “from”
Has faith and hope and motivation,
With progress, accomplishments, potential,
As great as your imagination!

Repentance is a principle of change and growth
To accomplish our purposes on earth
Gain knowledge, faith, experience,
Develop talents and abilities of worth.

The mistakes we make, and learn from,
The adversities we face and survive,
Our efforts to solve problems and difficulties
All help us progress and thrive.

“To become all that we possibly can be”
Is what Jesus meant when he said,
“Be perfect as your Father in Heaven.” (Matthew 5:48)
How can we? – By teachings of Jesus be led!

Repentance is a way to change,
Gain knowledge, skill and “know how”,
A plan to accomplish dreams and ambitions
Through guided instructions – not “somehow?”

God’s teachings all give instruction
With advisors to show us the way,
Seek knowledge out of the best books,
Be teachable, don’t forget to pray.

Repentance is learning from good books,
Words of wisdom and information,
The adventures of men, the problems they solved,
All the wonders of God’s creation.

So examine creations of God and of man
And read all the interesting books that you can.
For through books you can go where others have been
And see through their eyes all the things they have seen.

Faith and repentance are twin blessings from heaven
They start you then help you go on
To rewarding achievements and happiness
When God’s teachings you rely upon.

Repentance replaces sickness with health,
Through good foods, restful sleep, exercise,
Medical help, prayers of faith - and changes
From bad habits to those that are wise.

Substance addiction has always caused
It’s victims – slaves to be.
But AA’s plan, with help from God,
Can set the victims free.

Repentance means change from ruinous habits
That destroy health, waste money, cause pain–
To improvement of mind, personality, character,
That happiness and success you may gain.

Repentance replaces stingy ways--
With a happy way of living.
Making friends and sharing with others
Changing goals from “having” to “giving”.

Negative thoughts blight friendships and happiness;
So replace them and think of ways:
To notice good qualities in others
And commend their efforts with praise.

Lonely, helpless, discouraging feelings
Are relieved when we frequently pray
And give thanks for the many blessings
God has given us every day.

But the best reward of repentance will be:
Christ’s atonement, that-from-sin makes us free.
“Though your sins be as scarlet”, God wants you to know:
If you come unto Jesus “they’ll be cleansed white as snow”. Isaiah 1:18

Thus cleansed, you’ll have place in the “Kingdom of God”,
Exalted, with knowledge and capabilities broad,
And family and friends and heavenly treasure,
And love and happiness and joy beyond measure!
–Ward Hicken