Sunday, October 7, 2007


“Gratitude” said Cicero many years ago
“Is the mother of all virtues.”–A truth we all should know!
It will motivate us to keep more of God’s commandments
And thus help us achieve more accomplishments.

Failure to acknowledge His hand in all things
Offends God and upon us His kindled wrath brings. (D&C 59:21)
But God said if we receive all things with thankfulness
We’ll be glorious and given blessedness. (D&C 78:19)

Thanks-giving thoughts for all things we enjoy
Attract creative and imaginative thoughts to employ.
Heart-felt gratitude, enthusiasm, appreciation we express
Combine to bring ideas, opportunities and happiness.

Gratitude is an indication of good manners you possess,
An impression of your refinement and worthiness.
Gratitude is part of a gracious behavior
Which people respect, admire and honor.

We are taught to do a good turn every day.
We should receive each good turn in a thankful way.
Sincere thanks and appreciation
Will be the giver’s best compensation.

The sincere thanks and appreciation you express
Compliment the giver’s unselfishness.
It makes him feel good as a benevolent donor
And one deserving respect and honor.

God knows all our requirements and needs,
Qualities we develop through generous deeds,
Instructions for accomplishing our purpose on earth,
And gratitude is one that determines our worth.

The more you thank God your blessings for
The more blessings you’ll have to be thankful for.
--Ward Hicken